Real Love Rocks
Healthy Relationships & Exploitation
Education Resources

Healthy Relationships & Exploitation Education Resources


Read about Primary School Pack


Read about the Secondary pack

REad about the SEND pack


Real Love Rocks seeks to raise awareness of the different types of abuse and exploitation that people experience. This includes Child Sexual Abuse, Sexual Exploitation, Criminal Exploitation, Radicalisation, Extremism, and the world online, making it more relevant to our children and young people of today covering themes such as:

  • Children’s Rights
  • Consent, power and control
  • Feelings and emotional regulation
  • Mental health and wellbeing
  • Grooming
  • Bullying / Cyberbullying
  • Appropriate /Inappropriate content online
  • Challenging victim blaming
  • Laws around keeping people safe

There are  three editions of Real Love Rocks. Primary, Secondary and SEND. With each purchase you will receive a full colour printed resource pack containing facilitator's notes, lesson plans, handy tips, and worksheets. You will also receive a unique code to log in to our Members Section of the website, where you will be able to download printable versions of the worksheets and gain access to all the animations you will need to deliver the resource.


This is an illustration of a group of young people



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Order our Healthy Relationships and Exploitation Educational Resources